Deutsche Version unten
16 Nov–6 Dez 2020
Wave Residency I
artist in residency: Paula Baeza Pailamilla
Collaborating with Jose Cáceres (CH/CL)
Paula Baeza Pailamilla (*1988, lives and works in Santiago, Chile)
After presenting her work in the Berlin Biennale 2020 and a residency in Strizzi Space in Köln, the Mapuche artist came to Switzerland to realize an on-site performance organized by Do Nothing Curating and to participate in the ongoing project WALLMAPU EX SITU created by trop to cher to share. Unfortunately, her following plans got canceled because of the lockdown in Germany, keeping her ‘floating’ in Switzerland. We are very happy to give her a small port to anchor.
Her practice centers in the recuperation of ancestral knowledge. In performances, workshops, and videos, she engages the audience with Mapuche culture as a means to contrast the social and ecological modern condition. Natural and urban spaces are occupied in her works by the bodies of Indigenous women in actions that address a condition of invisibility in the context where they live today, displaced from their originary territories. The video documentation of her recent performance, together with her previous works: Wüfko (2019), Que no nos quiten la voz (2018) and Mongeley Taiñ Dungun (2018) will be screened at la_cápsula (December 1st, 3rd and 5th at 18:00 hs.).